Eight-Angle Pose

Eight-Angle Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions

Eight-Angle Pose (ahsh-tah-vah-krahs-anna) asta = eight vakra = bent, curvedeight angle pose

  1. Stand-in Tadasana (Mountain Offer), together with your toes divided a little larger than normal. Subsequently together with your knees bent, slide your arm then and towards the inside behind your knee, and lastly push the palm on the ground only outside your right-foot. Before knee is high-up about the back of your shoulder perform your arm over the back of the best leg.
  2. Support your neck from the leg and slip your left-foot towards the right. Mix catch the legs and the left foot before the best. Lean towards the remaining, getting more fat in your arm, and commence to raise the feet several inches off the ground.
  3. Using the right knee reinforced about the neck, exhale and fold your arms. Lean your torso forward and reduce it toward parallel towards the ground; in the same period, correct your legs and increase your thighs out towards the right, parallel towards the floor (and perpendicular for your body). Press your top right arm between your legs. Use that your body twists towards the left. Maintain your arms in near to the body. Consider the ground.
  4. Maintain into a moment for 30 seconds. Then correct your hands gradually, raise back your body again to vertical, disconnect your legs, fold your legs, and return the feet towards the ground. Stay back and relaxation in Uttanasana for some breaths. Repeat the present for that same period of time for the left.
Eight-Angle Pose Pose Information
Sanskrit Name of Eight-Angle Pose
Eight-Angle Pose Level
Contraindications and Cautions
Avoid this pose if you have any wrist, elbow, or shoulder injuries.
Eight-Angle Pose Preparatory Poses
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) Baddha Konasana(Bound Angle Pose) Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose), lower arm pressing the inside of the forward leg
Follow-up Poses of Eight-Angle Pose
Dwi Pada Bhujasana (Two-Handed Arm Balance) Bhujapidasana (Shoulder-Pressing Pose)
Beginner’s Tip of Eight-Angle Pose
If you find it difficult to balance in this pose, rest the bottom hip and outer leg on a bolster.
Benefits of Eight-Angle Pose
Strengthens the wrists and arms Tones the abdominal muscles